Set the GUI Language of Umango Extract
To set the GUI language of Umango Extract to anything other than the default server settings, follow the procedure below.
- Open regedit.exe
- Browse to the key Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Umango\Extract
- Once the key above is selected, right-click and select "New > String Value"
- Name the value CultureInfo
- Once the field is created, double click on it to open the value entry window
- In the Value data field, enter the 2 character ISO 639-1 Code for any country/language (supported by Umango) you would like to use (eg. es for Spanish, fr for French etc). See this complete list for assistance.
- Save the value
- Restart the Umango Windows Service (UmangoExtractSvc) and the Umango Extract GUI
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