Select a version number to read the related release notes
Ver Major Release
- Custom AI Document Types - Train your own document types for use in jobs in the same familiar way you can use the existing pre-trained AI document types
- AskAI Zone Types - Interrogate a region of a document using AI. Including image related questions, not just text related questions
- Classifiers - Watcher jobs have been renamed Classifiers and new features and improvements have been added
- Source Connectors - We have introduced source connectors across Jobs and Classifiers. There will be a growing list of connectors but you will love the flexibility and new use cases these connectors satisfy
- Queue Prioritization - Each document source has a unique priority in the processing queue. This allows some sources to be treated with a higher priority than others and they will, "jump the queue"
- Execution Rules - Optional Execution Rules can now be added to each Export Connector to decide if the connector will run based on the meta data captured in the related document
- Umango AI Assistant - Introduction of the Umango AI Assistant. Fully trained on all things Umango and ready to help you
- Document Language Translation - Perform full document translation from any document format and language to any required language while retaining the document layout
- New Authentication Options - We've added support for authenticating dashboard users with LDAP, Azure AD and the Google Identity Platform
- Deactivation Function - You can now deactivate your active license from within Umango ready to deploy it elsewhere
- Epson MFD Support - New embedded for Epson devices supporting the Open Development Platform
- Many speed enhancements and new less-notable features
Release notes for previous versions can be found here: