Installation Fails as Service Fails to Install

When running the Umango installer, you may experience an installation failure with the message, "Service 'UmangoService' could not be installed". This is caused by the permission level of the user account entered into the installation wizard for assignment as the logon account for the Umango service.

The typical cause of the Umango service not installing or starting during the installation process is one of the following:

1. The server was not restarted after the installation and creation of the database.
After SQL Server is installed, a new instance is created or a new database is created the server needs to be restarted before completing the installation process. Please run the installation again after a server restart.

2. A service logon account was entered into the installer UI which created a problem (eg. permissions, username or password incorrect etc).
A common cause of a failure to install and start the Umango service is the service account not having permissions to logon as a service. Although this is automatically granted when manually adding a logon account to a service, in all other instances it needs to be explicitly set. To set these permissions:

Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy -> Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment. Edit the item "Log on as a service" and add your domain user there

Often the simplest process is to not enter user credentials in the installation wizard. This will automatically assign the Local System user and allow the installation to complete. Then, if necessary, you can change the service logon account within the service after the installation completes. Using this process, the permissions are automatically granted.

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