Rather that typing a long sentence, enter something like 'document separator'. This will return all the articles with the words 'document' or the word 'separator' in the title or keyword list.

Applies to pre Umango 23 versions. For configuration of Umango 23 or later, refer to the newer article on this topic. To enable https support in Umango, you will need to assign and configure an x509 certificate in the Umango .config file. This article assumes you have a


To enable HTTPS support in Umango, you will need to assign and configure an x509 certificate. This article assumes you have already purchased a suitable, fully signed x509 certificate that is ready for use. You cannot use a self-signed certificate on most MFP devices (refer to manufacturer


Proper network configuration is crucial for the optimal functionality of Umango's embedded apps on multifunction devices, especially when securing communication via HTTPS. This article outlines the challenges and solutions associated with network


Umango uses a web socket to communicate with the Umango Scan Actuator when connecting to TWAIN scanners. When https is enabled on your Umango server you will need to create a security exception in the browsers of any client workstations that plan to use TWAIN scanning. This is because the web soc
